照片說明: 這不是我阿~這是強者huntsam……重點是那個盒子,夠巨大吧! 這麼大的盒子卻是HG的模型,假如有一天萬岱出MG石滬蘭,不知要有多大盒….另,強者huntsam影響太大了,最近大頭也有huntsam傾向,連講話神情都往huntsam靠攏…:D
騎回huntsam家途中,單手單腳夾著盒子(盒子非常巨大,沒地方塞,只能用夾的) ,在冷冷清清的台南街上奔跑,心卻是熱的….因為….這個模型讓我十分心癢,回去要拍個開箱照:D
照片說明: 盒子有夠巨大,要喬個好位置照相
照片說明: 裡頭有二大盒
照片說明: 再拿出來拍…
照片說明: 配件超多
照片說明: 光這些配件我就有點手軟…..這一盒配件是主體以及一些小配件
照片說明: 另一盒配件就是武器櫃配件,爆多
照片說明: 沒想到這二個內盒拼起來是完整版石滬蘭的圖片…
大頭快要變成hutnsam了…..真的快了…= =
This gundam serie is the very best. I can’t overlook my first time watching Gundam Wing then know about japan mobile suit gundam. Hope to own far more good gundam serie in the future
Gundam Wing is the best gundam anime I watched in 2008. This serie’s model kit is also very beautiful.
adore robots in standard, esp japanese gundam. Gundam is definitely a piece of arts, why do they look so detail. Japanese are sure wonderful.
adore robots in normal, esp japanese gundam. Gundam is truly a piece of arts, why do they appear so detail. Japanese are sure amazing.
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